Women’s History Month

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

March is Women’s History Month. Congress had authorized a Women’s History week beginning in 1981 and later the National Women’s History Project petitioned for a longer period of time. Women’s History Month became a national celebration in 1987.

While many women have made a mark in history, it is often ignored.  The cultural tendency is to admire men’s achievements and to diminish women’s contributions.   This is a legacy of sexism.  Women are socialized to stay in a complementary role to men.  Female leadership is type of oxymoron.  Society is changing but social change and recompense is difficult and slow.  Much of women’s story still needs to be told.

Below, the Dominican Center has featured individual women.  The list is not intended to be all inclusive, rather it features individuals who gifted the world with wise words, just actions, and deep holiness.

Empowered Women Empower Women

Those women who Made a Difference: Powerful Women of the Civil Rights Movement Program by Joni Scott...

Fannie Lou Hamer

Fannie Lou Hamer (1917-1977) was born in Mississippi. During the 1950’s, Hamer became involved in the Civil Rights Movement. Hamer ran for Congressional office in 1964 and 1965 but failed to win. However, she continued her work for justice until her death. She was known for singing hymns of freedom. Fannie...

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman (1821-1913) was born around 1821. She began her slave work when she was five years old. Once free, Tubman worked odd jobs, saved money, and continued to return to the slave states to free others. During her lifetime she led over a hundred slaves to freedom....

Rachel Louise Carson

Rachel Louise Carson (1907-1964) In 1962 Carson’s book, Silent Spring was published.This publication would launch the environmental movement. Her work received pushback from governmental agencies, but much support from the community of scientists and from the medical community who found strong connections between the pesticide and cancer....

Dorothy Mae Stang

Dorothy Mae Stang (1931-2005) was an American-born Brazilian member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She was martyred in the Amazon Basin because of her efforts for the poor and the environment. The Amazon is an incredible natural resource. Dorothy was called the “Angel of the Amazon”....