The mission of people of faith today is to share in the work of the Spirit of God: the work of healing and transforming our world into the vision Jesus put before us of a new creation of universal justice, compassion, love, and peace.

Pope Francis laid out a framework and set of strategies for that mission in his encyclical Laudato Si’under the title “Integral Ecology.” In it he integrates the work of global justice, peacemaking, and care of Earth, our common home.  We share his vision.

At the heart of the forces that undermine and destroy that vision are fundamental values and attitudes that express themselves in the new and contemporary heresies of today’s cultures.  These include greed, materialism and widespread economic injustice. They are reflected in addiction to power, disregard for human rights, violence and domination. Individualism and disregard for the common good fuel them, foster divisions and conflict, and spawn our “throw away society” that is so destructive to the future of the planet.

The response to these dynamics must be rooted in spiritual renewal as individuals, communities, cultures and the human family if we hope to heal and transform our world.  We believe that from their deepest roots all major faiths are part of the nourishment the human family needs and must draw on to feed and nourish our mission.

The Dominican Center: Spirituality for Mission, drawing on the richness of more than 800 years of Dominican tradition, is committed to joining with all other willing faith traditions in building a New Creation of justice for all, peacemaking rooted in justice and love, and wise, sustainable care for the sacred gift that is Earth, our common home.

In this section of the website, you will find information on various dimensions of this mission, reflections, and more to guide us together into a transformed future.  Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.